Designing the Shores
How we shape the edge between the land and big water. Stories collected by an urbanist
Design - Culture - Science - Development - Resilient shorelines -
Design - Culture - Science - Development - Resilient shorelines -
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Shore Urbanism knowledge platform
The ShoUrbanism project accumulates the latest cases and research on smart, inclusionary, and resilient design and development of the areas by the big water. As the water does not know political boundaries, the knowledge of how to live with it brings benefits to any community. Creating this space for a dialogue will help sharing the best practices and finding new approaches collaboratively.
Meet the team
Oksana Veselkova
Urban designer and planner, Specialist of Architecture, (Moscow Architectural Institute,`11), Master of Urban Planning (Clemson University, `23), Fulbright alumna, `23. Oksana has practiced urban and environmental design and planning with 8 Lines, Strelka, MLA+, and One Architecture and Urbanism. Her main focus is the design and planning of the urban environment at the intersection of practical experience and academic knowledge.
Ann Nosova
Strategic planner, Master of Architecture, (Moscow Architectural Institute,`12), Specialist of City Project management (MArch, `14). The head of the Prostor agency, educational platform Utro, and the director of territorial projects with Sila Vetra. Ann's doctrine is strategic planning, territorial management, and education. She works on infrastructure for eco-tourism, and collaborates with many regions to implement the principles of sustainable development.
Olga Kostina
Marketologist and coordinator, driver of verbal communication and systematic approach. Works with international teams to integrate the latest knowledge in consumer behaviors and verbal communication, as applied to promoting digital products and sales. Leads social network strategies for the projects on the edge of economy, arts, and technologies.
The role of a dialogue