Sustainable Tourism and Recreation
Sustainable Tourism and Recreation
People are nomads by design, and the passion to explore the world is our driver to travel and spend leisure time next to the water. The centerpieces of culture, the natural reserves, and water based activities draw the attention of the visitors worldwide. The need to protect and develop the quality of these destinations brings a resilient tourism approach to the table - which is the way to be aware of the meaning of places we visit and reduce our footprints.

A circumpolar view
The Arctic today is a living lab of climate systems and innovative models of settlement. Establishing infrastructure in these remote areas with extreme conditions is essential to enhance the knowledge, explore natural resources, and prepare the conditions for climate migration. Science-based approach is a key for success here. We talked to Sergey Kulikov - architecture historian and critic, the expert in territorial development of the Far North and international Arctic - about the potential of the Arctic shores in sustainable development.

Geopark - from people for people
Geopark as a special land designation combines protection with public engagement and eco-tourism.

Ecotourism - Rules and Storytelling
What impacts the state of natural areas more - regulation, infrastructural development, or education? Or, maybe, the intention? We illustrate how a focal point and storytelling can make a big difference between seemingly similar systems.
Resilient Tourism and recreation
The art of drawing our curiosity while meeting basic needs of comfort and uncertainty - is the key of the tourism industry. Another key is wired deeply in our genes - as homo sapiens are nomads by design.

Tourism in the coastal US
Among many findings of my thesis research was this: the greatest number of tourism businesses are located on the most vulnerable shores (it`s local-specific, but still). It's strange to assume that people prefer the dangerous spots, although the scientific community sounds the alarm with decisions we make and the consequences that will bite the next generations.

Arctic Tourism
In her cutting-edge book "Nomad Century", Gaia Vince calls the constant movement in the wake of change - a key survival strategy of humanity. As progress minimizes this endless migration, nature calls on our inner explorers to expand our perceptions of the world. Experiential and ecotourism are taking an increasing share in the industry and are one of the most popular destinations in the Arctic.